Modi: People’s Prime Prime Minster

Modi: People’s Prime Prime Minster


Aspect Ratio: 1.35:1

Width: 23 Inch

Height: 17 Inch

Disclaimer: This is a digitally downloadable version of Original Girish Nair Painting. Upon payment you will be able to download the high resolution file without watermark.



A colour pencil sketch of the Indian Prime Minister, Modi, is a reminder of a man’s power to beat his destiny to become the most powerful man in India today! Rising from a humble background, Modi is a perfect leader of the masses. In his portrayal of the leader, the painter captures the current mood of the Prime Minister – confident, yet a tad bit worried about the welfare of his people. The artist brilliantly captures the magnanimity of the personality, at times weighed down by the huge responsibilities he is bestowed with. He cleverly uses his pencil strokes to present the duality of both confidence and worry. At the same time the expression on his face tells the story of a Prime Minister who is always in action.

Additional information

Aspect Ratio



23 Inch


17 Inch